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What does the PTO actually do?


The PTO serves as a liaison between families and school staff. We plan events and enrichment activities for students to help enhance the school year. We do things like bringing in Mad Science or the Mobile Science Labs and cultural arts assemblies, host major events like color runs and carnivals, but we also do things which you may not know, for example: Buying instruments for students who may otherwise not be able to participate in instrumental music classes, working to resolve issues with school buses, and providing iPads or smartboards for classroom use. 


Most importantly, though, we are here for YOU, the families of Bond Mill -- so join us at a meeting and tell us how we can better make the school experience what you need it to be. 

What's the difference between a PTO and a PTA?


The short answer is not much. PTA is a registered trademark of the National Parent Teacher Association, and to use the "A" instead of "O" (ours stands for Organization"), we'd have to pay dues to the national organization and would be subject to their oversight. Several years ago, our parent leaders opted to adopt the PTO language, because they thought it was best if all of the money raised by our school community went directly back to efforts to support the Bond Mill community, and the decision-making authority should stay within our school. And we agree!


President:  Shawntia Jones

Vice President: Jessica Lancaster

Treasurer:  Sheena Rogers

Recording Secretary:  Danielle Black

Corresponding Secretary & Social Media: Miranda Jett

Teacher Representative: Stephanie Scepura 


Parent Reps: Shirley Marc, Danielle Black, Susan Lord Moris


The officers/board members can be contacted at



2019-2020 PTO Board
Committee Chairs


Book Fair: Preston James 

Carnival: Shawntia Jones, Danielle Black

Children’s Activities: Lauren Hamilton

Communications & Social: Lauren Hamilton, Vanessa van der Have

Cultural Arts: Shannon Hill, Tracy Galloway, Rolanda Brown (will assist)

Fundraising: Jessica Harvey 

Hospitality: Carol Flores, Jessica Lancaster

Yearbook: Carol Flores (will assist)

Membership: Jessica Lancaster

Write-a-Book: VACANT


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